Jane Vorbrodt is the principal of Kuno Architecture Inc., a design and consulting firm that specializes in accessible, inclusive and universal design. Jane believes that everyone has the right to be able to use and fully enjoy all built spaces - she advocates for this through consulting work, architectural projects and by volunteering on civic committees. Jane helps her clients avoid or eliminate physical and attitudinal barriers in everything from large institutional and corporate environments to individual living spaces.
Before starting KUNO, Jane worked as an architect for large firms, where her projects included airports, community centres and multi-use developments. Jane volunteers by advocating for accessibility in the built environment as member and vice-chair of the City of Vancouver Urban Design Panel, and she co-chairs the housing subcommittee for the City of Vancouver’s Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee. Jane was amongst the first batch of students to graduate from Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) training, and she has been applying this knowledge on dozens of sites and projects since then, with a focus on pre-construction consultation and review. Jane speaks at events regarding universal design and she co-published a book about accessible washrooms for commercial applications titled Building Better Bathrooms.